Burlington slates get dockyard shipshape

Two Grade II listed buildings that are over two hundred years old and situated on the site of London\'s former Royal Victoria Dockyard first established by King Henry VIII, now feature over 20,000 Blue/Grey roofing slates from leading slate producer, Burlington Slate.

These historic buildings were used by the Royal Navy until 1960 for the supply of rum and other provisions. They are now known as Foreshore and are part of the Pepys Estate that belongs to Lewisham Borough Council providing 65 flats.

The new Burlington roofs are part of a sympathetic refurbishment programme by the London Borough of Lewisham with the help of London-based architects Sprunt Ltd and English Heritage. The refurbishment used 20 x 12 best patterns of Burlington\'s popular Bluer/Grey roofing slates. The Breyer Group plc were main contractors for the project.

Burlington\'s Blue/Grey stone was the perfect choice for this project as architect Chris Turnham explains: "As a Grade II site, it was vital that we preserved the historic integrity of these buildings. Burlington\'s Blue/Grey roofing slate was chosen as it provided the perfect colour match and appearance to the buildings\' original roofscape."

He added: "The new Burlington roofs also fully compliment the buildings\' timber double-hung sash windows with York stone cills, band courses and copings."

Burlington\'s roofing slate continues to be widely specified on projects of historical significance and over recent years has been associated with several sites in London including the Old Admiralty Building, Somerset House and the Natural History Museum. Quarried for over three hundred years from the heart of England\'s Lake District, Burlington also supplies Westmorland Green roofing slate in addition to the Blue/Grey.
