Changes to slating code of practice

BS5534-1:1997 has been replaced by BS5534:2003 as the code of practice for slating and tiling. The old standard remains current until 1 January next year to allow users time to accommodate the changes.

Changes include clauses that reflect the wider range of slating/tiling products now in use and to accommodate the requirements of the amended construction products regulations of 1994.

Design recommendations have also been updated to reflect the latest knowledge and experience on rain resistance and wind load resistance.

The use of hook fixing has been revised, there is a new method of calculating head-laps and side-laps and recommendations on batten sizes.

And there are new annexes dealing with the design and application of pitched roof systems where insulation is paced at rafter line, and reinforced bitumen underlays.

The new standard costs £152 (or £76 to BSI subscribing members). To order a copy contact:
