The Building Limes Forum’s main event this year, including its AGM, is taking place in Lincoln 1-3 September.
The event is based at the University of Lincoln, Minerva Building, Brayford Pool, Brayford Wharf N, Lincoln LN6 7TS. It includes presentations and site visits – book a place here.
Speakers include:
- David Wiggins, CARE Engineer and Director at Clach Conservation. His subject is: Working with carbonate binders in damp environments.
- Maria Stefanidou, Professor and Head of the Laboratory for Building Materials at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Subject: Comparative studies of lime putty, dry hydrates and hot mixed lime mortars. She will also present a case study of the PerLiMat project where insulated lime plasters were used.
- Mike Haynes, Director at the Mineral Products Association. He will discuss lime production and the road to net zero. In fact, lime producers have said they will go beyond ‘net zero’ to ‘net negative’.
- Nigel Copsey, Stonemason, Conservator and Researcher at Hot Mixed Mortars. Subject: Lime and hair plaster and pointing mortars.
- Philip Gaches, Master Plasterer, Author and Director at Gaches. He will give a presentation entitled: The beautiful simplicity of lime.
- Richard Jordon, Roofer, Teacher and Assessor. His subject: Lime mortar in traditional roofing.
Tours and demonstrations include:
- Tour of Singleton Birch lime quarry and manufacturing site.
- Lincoln Cathedral tour by the cathedral’s in-house conservation team
- Lincoln Medieval Bishops’ Palace – works tour by the contractor Messenger and Buttress Architects. There is more about the Bishop’s palace on the English Heritage website here and on this website here.
- There will be practical demonstrations of the use of lime mortars at Lincoln Castle by Rebecca Gilling and Nigel Copsey.
For more information and to book a place visit
The price for the full event booked before 4 August is £370 for Building Limes Forum members and £400 for non-members. After 4 August it is £400 for members and £430 for non-members. Places can be booked for individual elements of the event. The prices for each element vary. The AGM is free for members to attend.