Calling stonemasons and carvers: your chance to exhibit in a major London gallery

Alex Waddell's Empty Barrels Rattle Loudest in Caen limestone in last year's online Annual Exhibition of Stonemasonry & Stone Carving by Gallery Different in London. It is hoped this year's exhibition will be back at the Fitzrovia Gallery.

The Annual Exhibition of Stonemasonry & Stone Carving, run in conjunction with the Masons’ Livery Company at Gallery Different in London, hopes to return to the Fitzrovia venue this year and is inviting stonemasons and carvers to submit applications to include their work. 

If you would like to submit some work click here for a submission form. The works must be for sale and the gallery will select the submissions it wants to include in its exhibition.

Last year, like so many events, the exhibition moved online only in the face of Covid-19 restrictions. Even so, many of the works were sold and a good contribution was raised for charity. You can see some of the work and read about the event at

This year’s event is scheduled to take place at Gallery Different 15-20 November and submissions of interest are now being invited from those who would like their work to be included.

Gallery Different is a highly regarded contemporary fine art gallery in the heart of the West End of London. The annual exhibition of Stonemasonry & Stone Carving has become a great success, seeing many sales and raising significant funds for the Worshipful Company of Masons' Craft Fund.

If you would like your work to be considered for inclusion, you should download the PDF or Word document 'Artist Information Form' below, or download the PDF from the Gallery Different website by clicking here. Complete the form and send it to the gallery at the email address on the form. You have to be able to include photographs of your work.

If accepted, you will be able to submit up to three works for inclusion in the exhibition. This is a selling exhibition and they must all be for sale.  

Finished works must be ready and photographed by 30 September. The entry date has been extended, so your work can still be included. Email Karina Phillips at to let her know if you have a piece you would like included.