Marmomac 2024 attracts more than 50,000 visitors

More than 50,000 visitors attended the 58th edition of Marmomac in Verona during September. During the four-day event held at Veronafiere, it attracted visitors from 140 countries, 66% of those from outside Italy.

During the event, attendees were able to meet with representatives from 1,485 companies from 55 countries, spread over an area of 74,000 sqm occupying in all 12 show halls and four outside areas.

These figures confirm the show as a leading event for the entire global natural stone community, representing in every segment of the supply chain, from unhewn stone to processing technologies, and experimental applications in architecture and design fields.

Federico Bricolo, president of Veronafiere commented: “The 58th show highlights the leading role of Marmomac as a model of internationality and innovation, as clearly pointed out by the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Hon. Urso, during the opening ceremony. Such success is the outcome of strong collaboration with Confindustria Marmomacchine, the ITA Trade Agency, the MAECI and MIMIT Government Ministries, trade associations and institutions in the local area."

In terms of attendance by international visitors, the show was a litmus test for trends on the main destination markets for Made in Italy natural stone and technology.

Managing director of Veronafiere, Maurizio Danese added: “Marmomac is the absolute landmark for the entire global natural stone industry, and as such also reflects changes in economic and geopolitical tensions. Confirmation of this emerges from the composition of the top 5 international buyers: in order, Germany, Spain, USA, France and India. Compared to 2023, we saw a downturn in attendance from Germany and France, consolidation for Spain and the United States and a 10% increase for India. Mention must also be made of the two-figure performance by the United Kingdom at +20%.”

It has also been announced that there are to be new initiatives to further support the natural stone agenda.

“During Marmomac, we signed the renewal until 2029 of the framework agreement between Veronafiere and Confindustria Marmomacchine for joint international promotion of the Made in Italy natural stone system," said Adolfo Rebughini, CEO of Veronafiere. “This is joined by the launch of Marmomac Brazil, a new trade fair platform that will make its début in São Paulo in 2025 to consolidate our positioning in the Americas. These two initiatives are part of a long-term vision designed to expand penetration by Italian and international companies into strategic markets."

This year, the show offered plenty of opportunities for learning with more than 40 conferences and workshops in The Plus Theatre and A Matter of Stone, culminating with the Marmomac Academy courses for architects.

Marmomac 2024 also highlighted female entrepreneurship in the natural stone sector with four women being awarded Masters of Stone for the first time at the National Women of Marble Association and the Masters of Stone ceremony.

Marmomac 2025 will take place on 23-26 September 2025.