Embodied carbon in Albion's Portland Stone reduced by 68% since 2020

Buckingham Palace is just one of the many buildings constructed of Portland Stone.

According to its latest Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), Portland Stone by Albion shows the embodied carbon of Portland Stone extracted at Albion Stone’s mines and manufactured at the company’s factory has reduced by 68% since 2020.

The declaration, verified by OneClick in May 2024, considered Portland Stone alongside kiln-fired clay bricks where the embodied carbon reduction is 79%, while the reduction compared with precast concrete cladding is 81.5%. It’s also 100% recyclable. The report also says "when compared to any other source of Portland Stone and the industry average for natural stones within Europe (that’s both imported and home produced), Portland Stone by Albion shows an embodied carbon reduction of 83.3% and 84.4% respectively."

This embodied carbon reduction is largely achieved due to the sustainability measures Albion Stone has implemented for more than two decades. In 2002, new technology was employed to open the first ever mining operation for extracting Portland Stone. Another significant development occurred in 2011 with the installation of solar panels and every company car is now electric.

Portland Stone is known to be one of Britain’s most prestigious masonry façades and has been used to construct iconic buildings including Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral and the United Nations Headquarters in New York.