Italy shuts down for fortnight from 23 March

Italy is closing down all production from 22 March for two weeks.

Italy, where hundreds of people are now dying every day from Cornovirus Covid-19, is shutting down production for a fortnight from tomorrow (Monday 23 March) in order to try to beat the pandemic.

A shut down of two weeks in Italy is not unprecedented as most manufacturing shuts down there for the whole of August every year. But this unexpected cessation may delay some deliveries of stone and machinery.

Flavio Marabelli, President of the Italian stone machinery manufacturers association Confindustria Marmomacchine, said today (22 March):

"Dear friends, I have written for weeks only on cancelled fairs and little else. Here in Italy the situation of the coronavirus is still complicated. From tomorrow, the country will shut down for two weeks in an attempt to permanently stop the infection, which continues to cause hundreds of deaths every day.

"We are confident that this complete halt of all production activities can help us get out of this terrible situation definitively. During these 2 weeks, we in the stone sector will prepare to start again stronger than before.

"In the meantime, please help us and understand why we are fighting, for ourselves and for you, to overcome this great difficulty of all humanity together.

"Wait for us because we will be back soon to share with you projects and dreams about the wonderful world of natural stone.

Thanks and good luck to all of us."