Maintenance matters!

The London Scientific Society\'s Lecture Theatre, just off Regent Street, was the venue for a one-day maintenance conference on 22 November designed to promote a co-ordinated approach to better care of historic buildings.

The conference was organized by English Heritage in conjunction with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB).

The opening address was given by Baroness Blackstone, Minister of State for the Arts at the Department of Culture, Media & Sport, and featured presentations by a range of specialists from the conservation sector.

Jenny Chesher of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), spoke about a new IHBC/SPAB guide, called A Stitch in Time*, designed to assist owners of historic buildings on maintenance issues.

Tim Steene of Maintain our Heritage explained how regular inspection and care of buildings brought about long term savings.

SPAB chairman David Lodge gave an interesting and humorous talk about of his 30 years\' work as a building contractor specializing in church maintenance.

Annette McGill, director of Upkeep, a building education charity, gave an account of the work of her organization and Dorian Crone of Heritage Information Trust gave a demonstration of Heritage Information, a new online database designed to assist both buyers and sellers of heritage products and services (address given below).

The conference was chaired by John Fidler, director of conservation at English Heritage and the 200 or so delegates contributed to lively question and answer sessions.

*A Stitch in Time, ISBN 1 85277 1186, is available for £3 including p&p from: