A step in the right direction for slip resistance

Slip resistance is a major concern for those designing and installing floors and paving and has now been addressed in a 254-page book from CIRIA.

Under the title of Safer surfaces to walk on - reducing the risk of slipping, this publication covers just about everything involved in slipping, from the physiology of walking to case studies warning how much it can cost when people do fall and hurt themselves.

Stone does get a mention, but this publication is not about stone. It is about slipping. And only slipping. The trips and falls that usually get lumped in with slips are not included.

A useful book for consultants - and, after all, a lot of masonry companies consider themselves consultants - for quoting chapter and verse on the latest information and research relating to slip resistance, including the often neglected cleaning regimes associated with keeping floors slip resistant.

Safer surfaces to walk on - reducing the risk of slipping is published by CIRIA (CIRIA C652). It costs £50 for members and £100 for non members plus £4.50 p&p. Copies can be ordered on the website or by telephone.