Stone Federation : Report from the annual meeting
Stone Federation welcomed Members from across the UK to a new format annual meeting at the Hilton Warwick last month (28 November).
In recognition of the difficult economic times that make it hard for directors to leave their companies for long periods, this year’s event aimed to fit the most amount of business into the shortest amount of time.
The AGM was followed by presentations on the proposed changes to Part L (energy use) of the Building Regulations that take effect in April and ethical trading. Then Members were able to choose to attend any of a number of workshops covering issues such as CE marking, training, heritage, social media, health & safety and insurance.
The day provided Members with the opportunity to see all that the Federation has been involved in during the past busy 12 months. With a 30% rise in membership, as well as the launch of new publications, courses and industry groups, there was plenty to celebrate.
In the evening it was time for dinner and a bit of fun with a James Bond-themed Question of Stone quiz between the tables. David Richardson, from BRE, posed the questions and President Iain Kennedy’s ‘Gold Finger’ team took the honours with the highest score. After dinner there was a chance for Members to relax, catch up with old friends and forge some new relationships.
The Federation would like to thank all those who contributed to making the day such a resounding success.