Have your say on Historic Scotland's plans for a National Conservation Centre

Historic Scotland is developing a National Conservation Centre for Scotland, an ambitious project to create a national and international hub for technical conservation, research and learning to ensure a sustainable future for the historic environment.

Historic Scotland would like to gather some thoughts of those involved in the heritage sector on the project and intends to put together some focus group sessions to gather ideas that can be fed into the plans for the National Conservation Centre. Sessions will take place at various venues in Scotland over the next few weeks – you can find dates, times and sign up to attend a sesion here.

Alternatively, you can, until 15 December, take part in an online survey. Responses to the survey will be anonymous and it should only take you a few minutes to complete. To take part, visit the National Conservation page on the Historic Scotland website www.historic-scotland.gov.uk/conservation. Should you need any further information, email Historic Scotland about the project on hs.cgoutreach@scotland.gsi.gov.uk or call 0131 668 8917.