Stone pilots new Master Craft category

Stone is one of three sectors of the building trades piloting the development of a Mastercraft category for the trades.

The category is being developed by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) in conjunction with the trades themselves - the other categories are wall & floor tiling and brick laying.

"We are keen to work with the Stone Federation," says Stuart Littlefair, the CITB manager for specialist subcontractors. "We have asked them to tell us what they think are the competences of a master craftsperson."

He anticipates the qualification will be based on a combination of NVQ level three, which is the equivalent of the \'advanced craft\' level of City & Guilds, and a portfolio demonstrating practical experience.

He says it is possible the stone industry will have Master Crafts status in several different categories, new build and restoration being one possible division.