For the record – Hartham Park is an underground quarry

I must take issue with you over your piece about Lovell Stone Group taking over Hartham Park Underground Quarry (read it here). The statement that "Traditionally the Bath stone quarrymen preferred to call their mines underground quarries to elevate their work above that of other miners" is untrue.

When Bath stone quarrymen began to dig stone underground there was no reason to call the workings anything other than a quarry – legislation and the legal definition of 'mine' and 'quarry' came much later, in the 1870s and 1890s.

To reinforce the tradition, the lease to Hanson and now the lease to Lovell Stone Group says the word 'mine' is not to be used and the quarry is to be known as Hartham Park Quarry or Hartham Park Underground Quarry. I hope Natural Stone Specialist will be able to do the same.


David Pollard

(David Pollard owns the land from which Hartham Park is accessed and has the mineral rights on some of the underground quarry).