Memorial training from NAMM, 16 July – safety and inspection

Safety Inspection and Assessment of Memorials in Burial Grounds

Training to be held in Rugby on Wednesday 16 July 2014. 10.00am to 4.00pm

A one day course which is structured around the Ministry of Justice guidelines ‘Managing the Safety of Burial Ground Memorials’ and will focus on a ‘Risk Assessment’ based approach. All aspects of memorial assessment will be covered in the course, from understanding different types of natural stone and the way in which it changes with time, through to memorial construction and how this might impact decisions on safety. The important area of ‘making safe’ will also be included.

The morning will be spent in the classroom studying in-depth theory, and the afternoon will be spent putting the theory into practice. Lunch is provided.

Course fee: NAMM Members £175 + VAT / Non Members £300 + VAT
(Note: Corporate Membership of NAMM for Burial Authorities is £205+VAT pa)

Students who wish to obtain a formal qualification in the ‘Safety Inspection & Assessment of Memorials’ can do so at a later date. The assessment, which will last for half a day, includes a written and a practical assessment. NAMM C&G NPTC Assessment Fee for the Qualification: £250+VAT. (Assessment is only offered to students who complete the NAMM Training).

Call: Janet Clarke, Administrator, National Association of Memorial Masons on 01788 542264, or email using the address below.

You can download the latest NAMM newsletter with details of the BRAMM move and other information about NAMM by clicking on the PDF below.