Water-jet profiling service now available

Precision engineers Holifieds in Abingdon, Oxforsdshire, are offering a waterjet profiling service to masonry companies.

The majority of their contract machinist water-jet cutting business is in the engineering sector for profiling metal components accurately. However, they say the technique is just as applicable to the stone industry.

One of the benefits of water-jet cutting is that it is accurate, so pieces of stone fit together with no discernible gap, so complex patterns and inlays can be produced. And the cut is so clean there is no chipping or need for hand finishing.

Holifields say they have yet to find the maximum thickness of stone that can be cut - the greatest thickness so far presented to them has been 75mm granite, which their machinery took in its stride. Material up to 3m x 2m and weighing up to a tonne can be handled.

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