Work begins on 17-tonne Lakeland ram

A 17-tonne block of Portland limestone has been delivered to Mitchell\'s Lakeland Agricultural Centre in Cumbria to be carved into a representation of a Herdwick Ram that will be sited next to the A66.

The project is a training programme for young West Cumbrians. It is being funded by Northwest Development Agency through Rural Regeneration Cumbria and has the backing of Block Stone (the quarrying arm of Realstone), Kirkstone, who quarry Cumbrian slate, and masonry company Gordon Greaves (Slate) Ltd, as well as Althams Builders Merchants, The Cockermouth Partnership and Mitchell\'s Auction Company, who are providing the site.

The project has been arranged by the Shawn Williams Art & Craft Training Centre. Shawn Williamson says: "When we approached Mitchells about doing this as a training project they were really keen to see a large sculpture on their site. We went through a grant application process and now Rural Regeneration Cumbria has secured us the match funding we need.

"This is a team effort and the success will be down to the West Cumbrian community working together. Everybody - from community leaders to the trainees themselves - sees the potential for training and work experience."

The 17-tonne block of Portland limestone from Albion Stone was supplied by Block Stone last month (September). The company\'s Tina Bailey says: "It\'s very satisfying to be able to put back into the community what we have taken from the earth and to know that projects like this one help to uphold the long tradition of stonecraft."