Event Type
ASTM Symposium on Dimension Stone Use in the Built Environment, Sheriton New Orleans Hotel, Louisiana, USA 18 October
Registration Open for Symposium on Dimension Stone Use in the Built Environment
ASTM, the international standards organisation, is holding a symposium on the use of dimension stone in the built environment on 18 October at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, Louisiana, USA.
The event is sponsored by ASTM committee C18 on dimension stone, and is held in conjunction with the committee’s October standards development meetings.
The symposium will look at how stone is used in construction, such as for cladding and paving, covering topics including design, construction, and evaluation.
The aim of the symposium is to facilitate a formal exchange among professionals in the dimension stone community on the behaviour of stone in the built environment.
Topics for discussion will include (but are not limited to):
- Physical and / or mechanical properties
- Design
- Evaluation and investigation
- Durability
- Maintenance
- Restoration
To register for the event, or for more information, visit https://na.eventscloud.com/website/33140/c18-oct-2022-symp/.
Additional information is available from symposium chair Steven Naggatz (snaggatz@wje.com) or co-chair Charles Muehlbauer (charles@naturalstoneinstitute.org).