Breton release market insights for next five years

Breton has released its market forecast for the next five years – Towards 2030 – Big Trends in the Fabrication Industry. The report offers insight into the groundbreaking innovations transforming the industry with the aim of helping businesses embrace safer, smarter and more efficient processes. Topics include: silica-free materials; advanced printing technologies; innovative ceramics and generative AI.

Silica-free materials
The report highlights the need for proper controls to minimise the risk when working with products containing crystalline silica and offers Breton's products including Bioquartz and Lapitec sintered stone as safer alternatives.

Printing on quartz surfaces is, says Breton 'the leading innovation, greatly expanding creative options for producers'. Breton Chromia's digitally printed slabs have 1,200 native dpi printing resolution.

Ceramic Materials
According to the report 'ceramics are notoriously delicate during fabrication, making precision cutting and processing essential to avoid breakage and waste.' Breton Trinity 5-axis CNC is feted as offering a cutting process that is fast, versatile and reliable.

Generative AI
Breton introduce Pulse and Sapiens systems to harness the potential of Artifical Intelligence.

To read the report in full, visit: