Fighting 20% VAT on listed building alterations

The Listed Property Owners Club has joined forces with 20 other similar organisations (including the Federation of Master Builders, SPAB and the Georgian Society) to oppose the introduction in the Budget of 20% VAT on listed building alterations.

The Government has only allowed until 4 May to respond to the change from zero rating and the organisations want those who support their opposition to the 20% VAT rate to sign their e-petition at

They also suggest those opposed to the imposition of 20% VAT should write to their MPs. If you don’t know who your MP is, you can find out on If you are not sure what to say, there is a draft of a suitable letter here:

The Government said it was putting 20% VAT on alterations to remove the anomaly that alterations have been zero-rated while repairs carry the full 20% VAT.

The Listed Properties Owners Club is in favour of the anomaly being removed, but would like to see it tackled by removing VAT from repairs. As this is not allowed under European law, there is currently a campaign running to have all work on listed property rated at 5%. This is something that many in the conservation industry have campaigned for over many years and continue to do so. It does not affect the current campaign to fight the 20% rate on alterations.