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Carving a Career – The Lettering Arts Trust’s emerging carver symposium
Do you want to learn more about developing your career as a letter carver or stone mason? Would professional advice enhance your business practices? The Lettering Arts Trust is hosting a professional development symposium aimed at letter carvers and stone masons in the early stages of their careers. Representing artists, galleries, material suppliers, professional advisors, industry organisations and marketeers, the speakers will offer insights into studio management, client relationships, simple accountancy principles, marketing opportunities and more.
Among the presenters will be Richard Kindersley providing insight into successful studio management; Pip Hall showcasing the Stanza Stones as a creative collaboration; Jeremy Tankard highlights the benefits of networking with like-minded artists at the Letter Exchange. Sharing their invaluable advice are exhibition curator Gregory Parsons and Zoë Wilson. Beneficiaries of Lettering Arts Trust’s grants describe how to seek funding and the value of the journeyman experience. More speakers are in the pipeline. It is a day rich in content with opportunities for interactive questions and answers.
The symposium is online making it accessible to participants from anywhere in the world. In 2021 people joined from as far away as Italy, USA and Canada.